Friday, March 10, 2006

Me times Quattro

And no, I don't mean the razor. Although I got a free sample once and LOVE the thing. Thanks to Lei for the idea. I'm feeling non-creative lately so this is all your getting. Sorry! I promise next week will be FILLED with exciting things.

Four jobs I have held

--Night manager at Subway Sandwiches
--Collections Agent (I was nice)
--Receptionist for an eye doctor
--Assistant for the VP of a Development Company

Four places I have lived

--My parent's house, downstairs, first door on the right.
--My college dorm. Referred to as my Dorm Cell.
--An apartment where the kitchen flooded when the neighbors started their dishwasher
--The 'Burbs

Four TV shows I love to watch

--Gilmore Girls. Could Logan be any hotter? I know he is a jerk hot!
--The Office. Michael Scott = the opposite of Logan Huntsberger
--My Name is Earl. White Trash at it's finest. I am totally loving Joy.
--The Apprentice. Donald's hair and all.

Four Places you have been on vacation

--Denver. With my Cub fanatic family to see the Cubs vs. Rockies
--Disneyland. I went twice--once when I was 16 and had a terrible attitude and again with Greg and his two sisters.
--Disneyworld for a week with vacation we ever had
--Oregon Coast with Greg's family. Pretty place. Cold though.

Four Websites I visit with somewhat regularity

--My Super Secret Forum
--Holy Mama's Blog Cause she is hilarious.
--Any of the MOF's blogs
--And of course, I have to get my Strong Bad fix, however immature it may be

Four of my favorite foods
--Good Pizza with everything except 'shrooms. 'Shrooms suck.
--Steak, grilled to a medium pinkness. Yum.
--Cake. I don't care what kind, I love all of it.

Four Places I would rather be right now

--The Mall. I need a new bra since the breastfeeding boobs are shrinking. How come no one told me about that part?
--Outside, in the heat. And I would be except for it is still FRIGGIN' COLD!
--Getting a massage. But without the pan flute music. It reminds me too much of Karate Kid and I spend the whole time thinking "Wax On, Wax Off as Josh rubs my aching muscles.
--Somewhere with Greg and no kids to worry about. Just a loverly weekend away or something. Ain't gonna happen for at least another six months though. Maybe for my birthday.

Four things I always carry with me

--My wallet
--Cell Phone
--Car Keys
--A Child

So there you go. Have a great weekend everyone! Stay tuned for more exciting blogging.


Anonymous said...

*heart* homestar runner.
*heart* the office
*heart* my super secret forum
*heart* cake (especially pineapple upside down cake)
*heart* you.

Anonymous said...

ooooh, Thank you!!

I heart avocadoes, too. As does Caden-2yr, my adventurous eater. As for always carrying a kid with you - that's too true to be funny. nah, not really, it cracked me up. :D

JD said...

I seem to have the child with me at all times too. Love the Fours thanks

Kathryn Thompson said...

"Collections Agent (I was nice)"

I like that. I also like the strong-bad connection. He is a wonder.