Thursday, June 29, 2006

So I DO Get a Vacation After All!

And I don't mean hanging out with the family at the cabin. Today I am getting a FANTASTIC vacation of which you are going to be completely and utterly jealous.

My vacation? I am home.

We were supposed to leave for the vast wilderness today. I was SO not looking forward to going. We just got home! And I have been so busy this week that I haven't had time to take a breath at all. I whined and complained and Greg came up with a solution. I stayed home.

Not for the whole week, just for a day. Greg left with the kids this morning, (YAY!) and I got to spend all day at home, sludging around and causing all sorts of trouble. I will go to my sister-in-law's house tonight and crash in her extra room so since we are driving to the cabin tomorrow morning at an extremely grotesque hour.

It has been a good day. I peed with no interruptions. No one pounding on the door yelling, "MOOOO-OOOM!". No fingers wriggling underneath the door either. That was really, really nice.

I watched daytime tv. There was nothing on at all worth watching, but that isn't the point now, is it. I turned on the tv and didn't hear, "DORA!!! Dora, Mom! PLEASE???" then tears of sadness because I refuse to change the channel. That was nice too.

I realized a few things today. Numero Uno: It is really quiet without my kids here. Creepily quiet. I have had to turn on the radio or the tv for background noise. I am not used to silence. I don't like it at all. Numero Dos: I act like I am in panic mode all the time. I hurried when I ate, I hurried when I cleaned (yes, I cleaned. I know. But it was so much nicer to clean without a "helper".) I hurried when I peed. I had to remind myself that there was no reason for me to hurry. No one was waiting for me. A good feeling to have for a day or so.

So I'm just here hanging out, thinking about watching a chick flick or something equally as entertaining. It's been a good day. Hopefully I'm thinking it is still a good day tomorrow morning when I wake up and my boobs realize that they aren't going to be getting any relief. We're down to one nursing session a day. Maybe today's was the last!

Have a fantastic holiday weekend! I'll be back next week with all sorts of naturific tales.


sheri said...

Lucky! Gosh!
I think the 1 thing I miss about my pre-mom days is being able to do things at *my* time and pace. I totally hear you on the rush mode. It's like I live my entire life in a state of "hurry before one of the kids loses it". the frustrating part is that dh doesn't live life like that. That can be quite annoying whilst perusing each and every aisle at Costco.

Nettie said...

Peeing without fingers wriggling under the door? Fantastic! What a rare and wonderful treat. Yes, I am jealous.

I know what you mean about the quiet. When my third started school last fall, my fourth was still a "sleep a lot" baby. The quiet was unnerving, and I also found myself doing weird things like eating at the counter so the table would stay clean ALL DAY. Weird, I know.

Have a good trip!

scraphappymama said...

Sounds like heaven. It's always nice to have a break, but in the end I wouldn't trade those busy, crazy, where's my head days for a lifetime of silence.

Have fun on your "vacation!"

AJ said...

It's alomost midnight there- I wonder what Emily is doing all by her lonesome? Stretch out and take up the whole bed- I wish I could!!

Anonymous said...

My kids took 2 3 hour naps today and it was quiet too. I thought of you and how quiet your day and night will be. Have fun, be safe, and hurry back!

Carrie Snider said...

Sweet! I think it should be a requirement for all moms to get a day like this every quarter.

Kristen said...

Sounds very nice. I have noticed the same things, though when I get the rare "childless" moment! Hurriedness, and honestly...boredom. I don't know what to do with myself when my kids aren't around. It's strange....

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Isn't hurry mode hilarious?

Hope you enjoyed your day of respite.

Missy said...

I hadn't even thought about if I rush when I am alone! Probably, cause I always feel like, "Waht next?" LOL. I am glad you got a break and are enjoying your blissful silence, as creepy as it is! ;)

Kathryn Thompson said...

That sounds awesome. I love the idea of being able to pee alone being a vacation. I can so identify with that.

Blackeyedsue said...

I am laughing so hard...I just posted about this very same thing! Great minds, eh? (only instead of peeing I said pooping.)

I'll raise my glass to vacations!!!!

Anonymous said...

you just had the day that i've been praying for. I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!!!!

Hope the remainder of your vacation was LOVERLY.

Lee said...

It is nice to have downtime huh? We had a few days without the kids just Randy and I, and it was awesome. We were like this is what life used to be like.. lol.. we had forgotten!

Kermit~the~Frog said...

Oh, I love those days. Wish I had one right now, lol. Also with the fingers waggling under the door, that cracked me up.