Our local radio station advertised all last week that today you could "Win Rascal Flatts Before You Can Buy It". Sweet. I was totally going to listen and win. I remembered to turn the radio on as soon as I got out of bed this morning.
So I'm chatting with Greg about something and not really paying attention when I hear Radio Dude say, "Caller 15 wins the prize". I get all excited and started dialing, then redialing. I get through on the second try! I won! The following is our conversation:
Radio Dude: Hi! Who is this?
Me: Emily!
Radio Dude: Well, congratulations! You are the fifteenth caller!
Me: Yay!!!!!!
Radio Dude: Emily, are you a NASCAR Fan?
Me: Um..............yeah. (TOTAL LIE)
Radio Dude: Great! You just got entered to win our grand prize trip to beautiful Phoenix, Arizona for the NASCAR Blah Blah Blah! (I didn't hear anything after NASCAR)
Me: Fantastic! (TOTAL LIE)
Radio Dude: You've also won a footlong sub from Subway Sandwiches!
Me: Great! (Still trying to process the information)
At this point it is not on the air yet. Greg is grinning at me from ear to ear. He still doesn't realize that I haven't won my highly-desired Rascal Flatts cd. I give him sad, defeated eyes.
I hang up the phone. Greg congratulates me and I tell him that he is going to laugh SOOO hard when he hears what I actually won. He isn't into NASCAR either and I just KNOW he is going to make fun of me for the rest of my life for this. I ask him what is the ONE thing we love to make fun of. He goes through a long list, mentioning Shania Twain two times (We REALLY enjoy making fun of her). He does not, however guess NASCAR.
My little convo with Radio Dude finally comes on the air. Greg hears the word NASCAR and busts up laughing. He didn't stop all morning long.
Since I was in a state of shock, I wasn't really listening to Radio Dude when he told me all about what I could win. I checked it out online this afternoon. Turns out the grand prize is two airline tickets to Phoenix, Deluxe Hotel Accomodations (whatever that means) $92 cash per person, two tickets to TWO NASCAR races plus pit passes for both races.
The website also says, "Country Music and NASCAR go together like Tim and Faith!" Um, this is why country music has a bad reputation. It is married to NASCAR. Tim and Faith I like. NASCAR? Not so much. And besides that, I don't think that is a good analogy. NASCAR can't be married to NASCAR when it is the Ugly Stepchild of country music. Or can it? *insert inbreeding joke here*
If I win the grand prize I am not sure what I will do. I could give the tickets to Greg's sister and

So yes. It is Monday and I have already learned a lesson. Don't call into the radio station when you don't know what you are trying to win. And if you DO, ask if you can have a Rascal Flatts cd anyway. I didn't and wished that I did. Now I have to go shell out the kizash. Oh, well.
Anyone like NASCAR?
Not a NASCAR fan here, but I'd totally take the trip to AZ!
roflmbo... that is the best story I've heard in a very long time! ebay them, girlfriend!
ditto, Sheri. You can always skip the race or sell those tickets. I'd actually be excited about the sandwich.
ARE you kidding?? You don't like Nascar?!?!? I'm shocked! Who doesn't like Nascar?? Every body loves Nascar where I live!! EVERYBODY!
Deffinatly think of me if you win those tickets...I'd give an arm and a leg!Well, I'd give you dh's arm and leg atleast! :D
No...I'm not kidding!
Man, I'd take the free trip back to Phoenix to see friends and my dd in a heart beat! But Nascar.... I'd skip it!
That is too, too funny. I don't like country or NASCAR, myself, but I do love your story.
For some reason, I know of the existence of a country group named Rascal Flatts. Very strange.
Well, if you win you can come and see me! You can come and bask in the beautiful sunshine we always have in Phoenix...I think it was 84 today. Just come and sit by the pool at the hotel. And sell the Nascar tickets to someone else.
So funny!
Seriously I'm cracking up. As a former radio DJ I can't tell you how many times people had NO idea what they were trying to win..rofl!!!
That is a GREAT story you can tell for YEARS to come!
(NOT a nascar fan)
So not a NASCAR fan, but I LOVE Rascal Flatts! I'm so in love with their music. DROOL over their music. Sorry you won a stupid NASCAR entry. I want the CD too!
OMG! Too funny! Enjoy---whatever you won!
ROFL!! Also how can you make fun of Shania!! I do love Rascal Flats though.
I hate Nascar! But, shhhh. Don't tell my family.
LOL! That is toooo funny. My boss loves NASCAR and just got back from the Vegas thing, too. And she is a she...my age. I just can't fathom the whole NASCAR thing. I'm sure she'd take 'em off your hands. ;-)
dude. have i told you that my dh works on EA's Nascar game? he's not a fan either.
ROFL.. Not really into NASCAR.. but you know it would be an experience!! Just do it!!!
Oh, but you WOOOON something... that's just so cool!!!
Sell the tickets on Ebay and come to Phoenix to visit ME!!
We'll do a GNO and finally get to meet you! ;)
ROFL!!! that is just so funny! I don't like NASCAR either, but I love Rascal Flatts! hey, at least you won something right? that never happens to me.
Oh man! That is so funny. I am way sorry but I can't stop laughing either. I think you should go, get all decked out and go.
I saw that Rascal Flats would be on The View (or was it Regis and Kelly? I dunno). I actually planned on watching...just for you. But I think I got busy doing laundry or something lame like that.
Flippin' hilarious Emily!! I totally love Rascal Flatts!...and, did you know that Tim & Faith are coming in August (I believe)?...dh and I want to go to that! :)
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