Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Moo! MOOOOOoooo! Following the Herd

Yeah, that’s the sound of me, following the herd and entering the world of Blogdom. I thought about doing a blog a few months back when I realized that really, nothing exciting happens to me. At least nothing so noteworthy that it would necessitate publishing in the Digital World.

Wouldn’t you know all it took was some peer pressure. One person who said, “Um, Emily, quit being a pathetic blog lurker and write your own!” A seed was planted. I argued with myself all night long. (It was not, however, keeping me up at night. I have children to do that much)

After much consideration I decided to jump in. Yeah, my life isn't all that interesting but I can still think of a few things to write about. Plus blogging involves two areas that I am quite skilled in.

1. Sitting at this computer chair
2. Going on and on about things

Yes, I am a follower. A lemming. A cow. But at least I’m in good company.


Heather said...

Woohoo! Welcome to Blogdom! I'm a lemming as well....just tell me which cliff to jump off!

QueenMeadow said...

welcome welcome :)

ShelahBooksIt said...

yay! I'm excited!

Alicia said...

It's hard to resist, eh? I'm a follower too. I can't help it. Alicia

Elozia Marie said...

Welcome to the blogging world - Yea!

Mamma said...

Wooohooo. Nice start. Can't wait to read more.

Blogging can be addicting to read as well as write. You'll find yourself planning blog entries as your day goes on. Every once in a while my husband turns to me and says "You're going to blog this aren't you." I usually go.

Amber said...

Yes, I am a follower. A lemming. A cow. But at least I’m in good company

Are you calling me a cow!! So offended. Welcome! ;)

KAT said...

good start

Rachelle said...

I am so glad I got you to come to the dark side! Woohoo! Now you can entertain me in more way than one. :)

smart mama said...

power to the herd!

us moms will take over the cyber world!