Sunday, January 29, 2006

"Emily Louisa, GET IN HERE!"

If you look over to the left hand corner of the screen you will see this:


And if you read my bio at the side you will learn (if you were not aware already) that my name is Emily. You may even venture to guess that my first and middle names are Emily and Louisa, but you would be sorely mistaken. Sorely.

You see my friend, I have no middle name. It is true. Upon learning this I am usually looked at with wide eyes. "No middle name? But....why not?" they ask with pity and shock. I tell them that my parents decided not to give me one since after marriage women generally use their maiden name as their middle name or initial. And I guess that makes sense. And if I liked my maiden name it might be less of an issue, but really, who wants to use H as their middle initial? Ew.

But as I was growing up the 'rents soon realized something. It is hard to get the point across when you are yelling just a first name. My sister is Lori Dee, my brother Jeffrey Glenn, my other brother is Andrew Steven. My sister Samantha and I have no middle names and therefore payed less attention when were getting yelled at. My mom came up with a solution for this. I became Emily Louisa.

First it was Emily Lou and Samantha Lou. Probably after my Aunt, who is Norma Lou. (And before you ask, yes, it is an actual name. I wouldn't mock either because she can probably take you. She's one tough broad.) Then Emily Lou became Emily Louisa. I am assuming it has something to do with being the freckle faced, stringy brown-haired child instead of like my sister Samantha with her bouncy blonde curls and toothy grin. She always got to wear pink and purple. I always wore blue and mint green. She was Mary and I was Laura. Not that I'm bitter.

Anyway, so when Mom yelled it was always "Emily Louisa, GET IN HERE!" My brothers and sisters thought it was hilarious and mocked me all the time. Growing up I always acted like I hated Louisa but secretly I did not. I liked having a middle name, even if it wasn't real. It set me apart from the other five hundred fifty thousand Emilys that I have met in my life. (And yes, there are really that many) Sometimes when you are a kid that's all you need.

So thanks Mom. It was a little late, but you made it out of that department unscathed. I would go down to the courthouse and make it official but I don't want to deal with the Laughter-Behind-The-Eyes I would get from the clerks for wanting Louisa as a middle name. I've suffered enough mocking for it already.


Andrea said...

Louisa is a great name! you should definately change it.

Lei said...

cute story, em. now if you would please update my blog address on your links. :) thank you.

Lee said...

LOL!! Love the story!!

Anonymous said...

I give you permission to change it if you want. I think it is a perfectly wonderful middle name. And if you are interested, the name Lou (in Norma Lou) came from my great uncle Lewis (whom they called Lew). I also had an aunt named Eloise--Louisa was better.
Love, MOM

emlouisa said...

Lei--it's done.

Mom--I like Eloise. That's even more cute than Louisa. lol

Linsey Farley Jameson said...

Great story!! I also don't have a middle name. My Dad would call me Linsey Loo. It soon turned to Louis, and every single variation known. My Dad calls me often out of the blue to say "I really wish we would have made Louis your middle name". Louis isn't nearly as cute as Louisa, but I grew up secretly loving mine too.

Alicia said...

Emily---You are so awesome that you don't NEED a middle name. When I think "Emily" I think YOU! You are the coolest Emily I know! FWIW, though, I think Emily Louisa is beautiful and you really should consider making it legal...I would! How cool would it be to sign your name Emily L.?

Rachelle said...

Bite the bullet. Change the name. We won't laugh at you - too much.

Heather said...

Great story! I have a middle name but never used it growing up! We new our parents were mad when they were so flustered they started calling us by every name except for our own (including the animals)...."Kiel, Sugar, Buffy...hey YOU, get in here!"

Louisa would have been nicer...but I doubt they would have used it!

Go change it!!!

Anonymous said...

Just stumbled upon your blog, and reading this post made me giggle: my name's Luisa and I, too, have no middle name. Growing up, I hated "Luisa" because it was so different when all I wanted was a name like all the other girls. So I gave myself the most normal middle name I could think of: Jane. As a little girl, I dreamt about eventually changing my name to Luisa Jane, officially. Now it's mostly just a funny story that I tell my friends, but I loved the fact that a stranger half way across the country had the same and yet opposite "dilemma" as I did. :)

Keithclan said...

I found your blog and was wondering if I am to assume you are one of five children? Wow, what brave and wonderful parents you must have! My husband and I are embarking on the same exciting adventure. i am shocked that your mother decided to lengthen your name for the purpose of getting your attention, though. We are seriously considering changing all of our children's name to the same long name Jorashpierlilmax, a combo of al of their names, since that's how it usually comes out anyways